Tuesday, May 5, 2015

After Graduation Plans

I can't wait for graduation. This summer I should be keeping busy, but not too busy. I got a job at J.B. Saunders, which is a small electronic parts store here in Boulder. I mostly work with stocking. The store gets donations of used parts that need to be sorted and sometimes repaired before making it out to the shelves. During the summer, I plan to work part time so that I still be able to enjoy my last summer of high school. One of the things I am looking forward to is going on a week long trip sometime in Florida with my family. In the fall, I will be attending the Colorado School of Mines in Golden to study electrical engineering. I have always been fascinated by electronics, which is why I chose this major. When I was about five years old I would take apart of R/C cars just so that I could play with the motor inside. Yes, I was that bad. I also used to love making sparks by hooking up six nine volt batteries in series. I used to do this on the carpet until my dad made me a box to do them in so I wouldn't burn the house down. I chose to go to Mines mostly because of its reputation in the engineering field. Companies seem to know that people that come out of Mines are well educated and ready for work, so they look for Mines students when they are hiring. The school itself also holds a lot of job fairs and is generally helpful if you are looking for a job or an internship. It is also a smaller school which is something I personally wanted. I have never enjoyed large crowds or a lot of traffic, so Golden sounded like a good place to live. All in all I think the next year is going to be a blast and I can't wait.


  1. You sound kind of like my uncle in how you took apart your toys as a kid; he's now a professional engineer. Good luck and have fun at the School of Mines!

  2. School of Mines is gonna be tough. Congratulations on getting in though.

  3. You were showing signs of a true engineer at a young age. I feel like you'll be pretty good at it.

  4. Did you ever light the carpet on fire as a child?
